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Immunoprecipitation Market Research Report Analysis By Type (Individual Protein, Chromatin, Co-immunoprecipitation, RNA), By Product (Reagents, Kits, Accessories), By End User (Academic & Research Institutes, Pharma & Biopharma Companies, Contract Research Organizations), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa) - Forecast till 2030

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Categories: Pharma & Healthcare

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Immunoprecipitation Market Overview

“The Immunoprecipitation Market Predictable at $567.45 Million in 2022, is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 5.23% from $624.56 billion in 2023 to $958.34 Million by 2030.”

What is immunoprecipitation? How does IP work?

Immunoprecipitation (IP) is a technique used to isolate specific antigens from a mixture, which are then analyzed using SDS-PAGE or Western blotting.

Immunoprecipitation is a method for preparing antibodies by passing samples, wash, and solutions through a porous resin column. This method uses a small amount of resin in a microcentrifuge tube, with incubation stages carried out batch-by-batch. The beads are added to the solution, combined, and incubated as a slurry. At the end of each incubation step, the beads are pelleted using centrifugation or a magnet, allowing the solution to be removed using a pipet.

Immunoprecipitation is a method that isolates enough protein for measurement using western blotting or other assay techniques. It involves comparing treated and untreated samples to determine the desired protein concentration. The basic procedure for conducting an IP involves two possible stages in order.

In 2023, immunoprecipitation is projected to hold a 10% global protein purification market share. The growth of this market is expected due to increased R&D spending, advancements in immunoprecipitation methods, increasing cancer immunotherapy demand, and advancements in genetic research. By 2030, stem cell therapies and personalized medicine are expected to further support market growth.

The immunoprecipitation market is expected to grow due to increased life sciences research and demand for autoimmune antigens. Global biotechnology research is also expected to drive market growth. However, the rise in personalized therapies may limit market expansion. Additionally, the emergence of substitute technologies may limit the industry's growth over time. Overall, the immunoprecipitation market is expected to experience growth.

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Immunoprecipitation Market Segment Analysis

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is expected to dominate the market in the epigenetics research sector over the forecast period. ChIP is used to identify DNA-binding proteins and specific regions in the genome. It is crucial in the COVID-19 pandemic for understanding target binding sequences for the SARS-Cov2 Virus. As research develops, the segment is expected to experience a significant increase in demand during the pandemic.

Technological advancements, such as the Chromatrap technique, are expected to significantly increase the demand for ChIP, a technique that allows researchers to analyze multiple antibodies and gene targets simultaneously. ChIP is crucial in the COVID-19 pandemic for identifying protein-DNA interactions, which is essential for understanding SARS-Cov2 Virus target binding sequences. As research progresses, the segment is expected to experience significant demand during the pandemic.

In 2022, the immunoprecipitation market was primarily focused on individual proteins, with protein purification being the most common application. Co-immunoprecipitation, related to protein-protein interactions, is used to isolate unidentified proteins in complex solutions of recognized proteins. The growth of tagged protein immunoprecipitation is expected to increase profitably due to the limitations of conventional methods. Many proteins may not be suitable for immunoprecipitation due to the absence of an accessible antibody. An epitope can be added to a protein to facilitate antibody binding.

Academic and research institutions generate the most money in the molecular biology and genomics-related research industry. Rising government financing and increased partnerships between academic institutions and businesses support this growth. Contract research organisations (CROs) are expected to grow profitably over the projection period, as major corporations increasingly outsource their research and drug development efforts to CROs. This has increased the potential for CROs to grow and will continue to do so in the future.

Competitive Landscape of the Immunoprecipitation Market

  • Merck KGaA
  • Takara Bio Inc.
  • Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd.
  • Abcam PLC
  • BioLegend
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories
  • Cell Signaling Technology Inc.
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific
  • Geno Technology Inc.
  • GenScript Biotech Corporation
  • Rockland Immunochemicals Inc

Recent Developments in Immunoprecipitation Market

September 18, 2023 GenScript Biotech Corporation, the world’s leading provider of life-science research tools and services, has expanded its IVT mRNA synthesis portfolio with the addition of customized circular RNA (circRNA) and lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) formulation services. These new contract-manufactured reagent services are available immediately as part of GenScript’s commitment to provide cutting-edge reagents that advance research in fields such as vaccine development, protein replacement therapies, and gene and cell therapy.

In March 2022, T2T Consortium published early findings from complete human genome assembly. Researchers outlined the genome sequence, genetic variant, epigenetic, expression, and other insights being gleaned from a complete "telomere-to-telomere" (T2T) version of the human reference genome.

In February 2022, MilliporeSigma, through its Sigma-Aldrich business, licensed its portfolio of CRISPR-related intellectual property to Israeli agbio firm BetterSeeds for use in plants.

In September 2020, REMD Biotherapeutics, a biotechnology company headquartered in California, and GenScript ProBio, a leader in molecular cloning, announced the expansion of their collaboration. REMD acquired the global rights for the development and commercialization of a bispecific antibody from GenScript ProBio.

What Might Affect Immunoprecipitation Providers' Profitability?

Alternative protein isolation technologies and antibody contamination are available, but co-immunoprecipitation faces challenges due to light-chain and heavy-chain antibodies co-eluting with the protein complex. This hinders the need for immunoprecipitation solutions and limits market expansion. The quality of research antibodies and sample size limitations also limit the test's broad application, affecting revenue. The availability of substitute protein isolation technologies and concerns about antibody quality may further limit market growth.

What Makes Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Important to Companies?

Chromatin immunoprecipitation, including RNA, co-immunoprecipitation, chromatin, and individual protein immunoprecipitation, is expected to grow significantly at a CAGR in genomic studies. This technology allows for data accuracy and rapid analysis without pipetting issues, enabling researchers to analyze multiple antibodies and gene targets simultaneously.

Chromatin immunoprecipitation is a method that uses immunoprecipitation to analyze the genome for specific DNA-binding proteins. It is widely used in epigenetics research and is being developed by industry leaders to promote sector expansion. Leading industry participants also participate in this research.

Regional Insights

Largest Market -> North America

Why Is the US a Key Market for Immunoprecipitation Companies?

DNA immunoprecipitation techniques are in high demand, with future market growth expected due to significant investments in genetic technology and treatments in the US. The growing life sciences sector promotes the application of these techniques, enhancing protein purification methods. Technological advancements in immunoprecipitation systems are expected to increase demand for software and data analysis. Opportunities for immunoprecipitation companies in the US include the demand for DNA immunoprecipitation solutions, key market players, quick adoption of protein complex immunoprecipitation techniques, and growing use in cancer research.

Why is immunoprecipitation so popular in European countries?

European countries are increasing their investments in proteomics research, with immunoprecipitation emerging as the most effective method for studying proteins. Growth drivers for immunoprecipitation businesses in countries like Germany, France, Italy, and the UK include rising protein characterization demand, expanding use in drug discovery, and government initiatives promoting technology advancements.

Segments Covered in the Immunoprecipitation Market Report

By Type:

  • Individual Protein
  • Chromatin
  • Co-immunoprecipitation
  • RNA

By Product:

  • Reagents
  • Kits
  • Accessories

By End User:

  • Academic & Research Institutes
  • Pharma & Biopharma Companies
  • Contract Research Organizations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the expected growth rate of the Immunoprecipitation market over the next 7 years?

“The Immunoprecipitation Market Predictable at $567.45 Million in 2022, is estimated to increase at a CAGR of 5.23% from $624.56 billion in 2023 to $958.34 Million by 2030”

Who are the major players in the Immunoprecipitation market and what is their market share?

Merck KGaA, Takara Bio Inc., Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd., Abcam PLC, BioLegend, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Cell Signaling Technology Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Geno Technology Inc., GenScript Biotech Corporation, Rockland Immunochemicals Inc., are the top players in the market.

What market drivers are there for Immunoprecipitation?

The market is driven by increasing life sciences R&D, a significant emphasis on proteomics research, and the growing need to identify antigens in autoimmune diseases.

Which region accounted for the largest share in the market?

North America is the most prominent country in this market.

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