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Bioreactors Market Research Analysis Report by Product Type (Single Use, Reusable), Cell (Mammalian Cells, Bacterial Cells, Yeast Cells, Others), Molecule (Monoclonal Antibodies, Vaccines, Recombinant Proteins, Stem Cells, Gene Therapy, Others), Usage (Developmental, Preclinical & Clinical, Commercial Production), End Use (Research and Development (R&D) Organizations, Biopharmaceutical (Biopharma) Manufacturers, Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOS)) and Region, Insights, Trends and Forecast till 2023-2030

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Categories: Pharma & Healthcare

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Bioreactors Market Overview

“The bioreactors market is expected to grow at 13.1% CAGR from 2023-2030 & to reach above USD 23.58 billion by 2030 from USD 12.5 billion in 2023.”

In the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, bioreactors are highly sophisticated instruments designed to control and cultivate the development of biological cells or organisms in a controlled setting. They allow the production of a variety of biopharmaceuticals enzymes, biofuels as well as other bioproducts.

They provide the most favorable conditions for the growth of cells. Bioreactors offer a variety of advantages. They offer a controlled atmosphere that allows precisely regulate vital variables such as temperature and pH, as well as dissolving oxygen, and the availability of nutrients. Bioreactors also allow for the possibility of scaling. Small-scale laboratory research as well as massive industrial production could be accommodated through their design. Scalability allows a seamless shift from development and research to production on a larger scale.

Additionally, bioreactors provide the benefit of a sterile and sealed environment, which reduces the chance of contamination while also improving the purity and quality of the material produced. They also allow you to integrate downstream processes such as filtering, purification, or harvesting, resulting in the creation of a process that is efficient and efficient. Bioreactors are an essential tool for the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries to produce many useful bioproducts as they offer exact control, scalability, sterilization, automation, and process optimization.

Bioreactors Market | Market Report Service

The growing demand for biologics, the increasing use of hybrid technologies such as tempered steel, single Use, as well as the increasing demand for single Use bioreactors within biopharmaceutical companies are the main factors that influence the growth of the bioreactors market globally. The low value of usefulness, combined with a support base and the need to observe in comparison to traditional ones are some of the factors driving the growth of the market.

The market size for bioreactors worldwide is also influenced by the growth of biopharmaceutical research as well as increasing chronic disease prevalence. The growth of the market will be supported by the biopharmaceutical companies' increased concentration on the development of innovative therapeutic options for the most challenging illnesses.

Costs for capital and upkeep are high. expenses, difficulty in getting regulatory approvals for biopharmaceutical production, the shortage of highly skilled workers who are aware of bioreactor operation and concerns about the reproducibility and scalability of bioprocesses are just a few of the limitations on market access for bioreactors. These issues could cause barriers to entry, and could hinder the wide-spread utilization of bioreactors in various industries.

The biopharmaceutical sector is expanding and there is a rising demand for personalized medicine and Regenerative medicine. There is a greater emphasis on bio-based energy sources and renewable energy sources, and there are many opportunities in the bioreactors sector due to the advent of cutting-edge technology like 3D bioreactors and miniaturized systems.

Demand Outlook

An increase in the number of initiatives that focus on developing orphan drugs could have a positive impact on the future of the bioreactors industry. In the past decade technological advances within the area of genetics as well as future-generation therapies like the use to genetic treatment as well as biomarkers has increased the demand for orphan treatments.

The rapid growth of orphan treatments can be attributed to the rising demand to treat rare diseases as well as FDA approvals that validate and increase sales of orphan treatments. Concerns about the extraction of extractionables and leachables can hinder the development of bioreactors. The use of bioreactors made of plastic that are disposable for the manufacture of biopharmaceutical products carries the risk of contamination.

The toxicology of the plasticizers, slippery agents, surfaces enhancers in the form of initiators, monomers, and the potential leaching of additives to the surface of products could result in negative health effects for patients. Despite the many advantages provided by bioreactors with a single use however, they could react negatively or completely neutralize biopharmaceuticals. This could negatively impact the use of bioreactors in biotech companies because of the stringent regulatory requirements for monitoring the toxicity of biotech cells and human toxicology.

Key Takeaway:

  • Based on geography and geography, according to geography, North American region registered a substantial growth rate.
  • Based on the type of product Based on product type, the segment of reusable bioreactors is expected to generate significant revenue, and it is estimated to have to be more than 76%..
  • Based on the end-user and end-use, the biopharmaceutical (biopharma) manufacturers segment will be the most dominant market share and produced more than 43 percent.
  • Based on the cell, the mammalian cell segment will generate significant revenue.
  • The molecule is the basis the vaccine segment will be the largest market in the world and will expand dramatically between 2023 and 2030.
  • Based on the use of the term, the preclinical, developmental and clinical segment will grow significantly between 2023 and 2030.

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Market Dynamics

Growth Drivers

What are the driving factors behind the growth of the market for bioreactors?

The rising incidence of chronic disorders

The world is burdened with an increasing number of chronic illnesses that affect millions. According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2020, around 1.8 million patients with cancer had been identified throughout the US. The Institute also reported 442.4 incidents of cancer in 100,000 people every year. Diabetes is a second leading disease which is a major cause of death for 34.2 million people of different age groups. This amounts to 10.5 percent in all of the US population.

Asthma, chronic allergy and anxiety, as well as cardiovascular diseases as well as neuropathy are among the main diseases that impact a large portion of the population. Due to this widespread prevalence, there's increased the demand for biosimilar and biologic medications. The leading pharmaceutical companies around the world have increased production to keep pace with market demand. Additionally, the rise of startups developing biosimilars is accelerating the growth of the market.

Emerging Nations

The rising presence of domestic and international pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical firms in developing nations is a key factor in that is driving demand. For instance in April 2020 Lupin as well as Dr. Reddy, India's most prominent pharmaceutical companies, had their pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities approved from authorities from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech have increased their COVID-19 production capacity and set up bioreactors by 2020.

As a result of the increasing demand in biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical manufacturing the authorities of these countries are focused on a high-quality manufacturing process and laboratory procedures that have been validated. Incorporating regulatory measures to prevent the importation and distribution of medicines that are impure or contaminated due to bioprocessing are expected to raise the need for efficient systems in these countries.

Growth Factors

Monoclonal antibiotics have an enormous demand around the world, due to this, the market for bioreactors is anticipated to witness significant growth in the coming years. Since the amount of money obtained by government agencies as well as private companies has increased over the past few years in order create different kinds of vaccines to treat various illnesses The market will experience an increase in the future. Single-use bioreactors Also, it has a high demand and will result in significant income in the future.

The pharmaceutical industry as well as biotechnology industry make the most usage of bioreactors. Since both industries are expanding and growing the market for bioreactors is also expected to expand. Technology advancement is also predicted to play a crucial function in the usage of bioreactors with advanced technology and machines of an advanced nature. The parameters of cultivation can be analyzed with the aid of screens. All of these modern capabilities will result in the expansion of the market. High-quality data can be gathered and analyzed through the utilization of these tools which also lead to less human involvement.

Advanced bioreactors are getting more money, and companies in the market are involved in the manufacture of bioreactors. Continuous research and development in bioreactors will aid in the growth of this market. Trials in clinical research or preclinical studies have grown. Development and research activities for microbial applications as well as cell culture has also increased in recent years. All of these aspects can lead to the expansion of the market over the forecast timeframe.

Since there is an increase in the prevalence of various types of chronic illnesses across the globe, such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular illnesses the demand for different treatments for each of these ailments is expected to lead to the growth of the market for bioreactors. The development of new treatments for cancer will also increase demand for bioreactors.

  • The emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in an increase in the utilization of bioreactors.
  • With the growing demand for therapeutics that were effective Bioreactors' market was booming. The production of preventive vaccines also required a huge number of bioreactors.
  • Different pharmaceutical companies were involved in the manufacture of vaccines to satisfy the demands of the population, due to which the capacity of their manufacturing facilities were also increased, as were the purchases of bioreactors were also grown.
  • Customized medicine can be found in huge demand and the utilization of these medications will lead to an increase in need for bioreactors.
  • Technology advancements can assist in generating more revenue.
  • The biotechnology industry as well as the pharmaceutical industry are exhibiting rapid growth, which means that the bioreactors market is expected to grow substantially.

Covid-19 impact

The COVID-19 pandemic had positive impact on the bioreactors industry. Medical and healthcare requirements dramatically increased after the pandemic due to an increase in mortality rates, hospitalization rates, and the severity of chronic and infectious diseases brought on due to the disease. The capability to use Single Use bioreactors to ensure greater efficiency in validation and process security, as well as the complexity of processes, and the cost of goods has led to a rise in their use.

Bioreactors Market Segment Analysis

The market for bioreactors is segmented according to on the type of product, the cell, molecules, their usage, and final usage. Based on the type of product, the market is classified into single use and reusable, while the cells, market is split in mammalian cell, bacterial yeast cells, and other according to molecule type. Markets for mammalian cells are divided into monoclonal antibodies vaccines, recombinant protein, stem cells, gene therapy, and other markets; and by usage is split into developmental, clinical and preclinical production, and the final use market is split in researchers and developers (R&D) organisations as well as biopharmaceutical (biopharma) manufacturers as well as contract manufacturing companies (CMOS).

As a result of the fact that most businesses prefer bioreactors that can be reused and healthcare is increasingly using bioreactors for manufacturing of large quantities of products The market for reusable bioreactors is expected to bring in the highest revenues. Bioreactors that are scalable and offer a greater amount in capacity. This could eventually boost the growth of the market.

Cells from mammals will constitute the segment with the highest revenues. Due to the growing usage of these cells in the commercial creation and development of many proteins and vaccines employed in treatments and procedures, there will be more requirement for bioreactors. They can also be used to make viral analogues. These are essential for regenerative medicine and play an important part in increasing the revenue of bioreactors.

In light of the growing demand for treatments for chronic illnesses the segment of vaccines holds the highest percentage of market revenue production. Bioreactors' market is likely to see significant growth as the number of infections diseases increases.

Over the next few years it is expected to see an increase in need for bioreactors in clinical trials as well as preclinical studies to study the development of different medications. Clinical, preclinical and development segments all require bioreactors. The rising prevalence of chronic illnesses will offer opportunities for growth.

CMOs, or contract manufacturing firms (CMOs) are expected to hold a large share of the bioreactors industry in the end-user. CMOs are a recent development in the outsourcing of the creation of new products. They allow manufacturers to gain a foothold in the emerging markets.

Competitive Landscape of the Bioreactors Market

  • GE Healthcare
  • Merck KGaA
  • Eppendorf AG
  • Sartorius AG
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
  • BBI-Biotech GmbH
  • Bioengineering AG
  • Danaher Corporation
  • Getinge
  • Infos HT

Recent Development in Bioreactors Market

23 October 2023, Scientists are exploring a unique concept for generating oxygen on Mars using desert-dwelling bacteria known as Chroococcidiopsis cubana. These resilient microorganisms can thrive in extreme conditions by harnessing sunlight, absorbing carbon dioxide, and producing oxygen.

8 June 2023, H.E.L Group expands range of BioXplorer bioreactors to support bioprocess development

12 May 2023: GE HealthCare presented three new global innovations – Intelligent Radiation Therapy (iRT), Auto Segmentation, and an updated Magnetic Resonance (MR) Radiation Therapy Suite– that underscore the company’s commitment to enhancing the radiation oncology care pathway.

10 April 2023: Advantus Health Partners, and GE HealthCare (Nasdaq: GEHC) announced an agreement of up to USD 760M over 10-years to provide GE HealthCare’s Healthcare Technology Management (HTM) services to Advantus Health Partners’ clients.

Regional Insights

Due to the increasing incidence of chronic illnesses as well as the growing attention to product innovation as well as the presence of significant players in the manufacturing of bioreactors with advanced technology, and advances on R&D on biomedical research across the region and the North American bioreactors market is expected to be the biggest revenue share of all regional markets in the timeframe forecast. In addition, the growth of R&D facilities as well as the increasing number of universities in the region's countries are driving the expansion in this North American market.

Over the next forecast period in the forecast, during the forecast period, Asia Pacific market is anticipated to grow at a rapid rate of growth in revenue. The rapid growth of the biotechnology and biopharmaceutical industries growing demand for bioreactors and the use of single Use bioreactors and increasing market participants who are focused on international expansion are all factors that contribute in the region's growth in revenue.

In addition there is it is expected that the Asia Pacific bioreactors market is predicted to grow over the forecast time frame due to the technological advances in bioreactors, as well as an increase in demand for customized medicine.

Segments Covered in the Bioreactors Market

Bioreactors Market By Product Type

  • Single Use
  • Reusable

Bioreactors Market By Cell

  • Mammalian Cells
  • Bacterial Cells
  • Yeast Cells
  • Others

Bioreactors Market By Molecule

  • Monoclonal Antibodies
  • Vaccines
  • Recombinant Proteins
  • Stem Cells
  • Gene Therapy
  • Others

Bioreactors Market By Usage

  • Developmental, Preclinical & Clinical
  • Commercial Production

Bioreactors Market By End Use

  • Research And Development (R&D) Organizations
  • Biopharmaceutical (Biopharma) Manufacturers
  • Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOS)

Bioreactors Market By Region

  • North America
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • South America
  • Middle East and Africa

 Frequently asked questions with answers

What is the total market size and growth of global bioreactors market?

The bioreactors market is expected to grow at 13.1% CAGR from 2023-2030 & to reach above USD 23.58 billion by 2030 from USD 12.5 billion in 2023.

Who are the key players in the bioreactors market?

The bioreactors market key players include GE Healthcare, Merck KGaA, Eppendorf AG, Sartorius AG, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., BBI-Biotech GmbH, Bioengineering AG, Danaher Corporation, Getinge, and Infos HT.

What are the key driving factors for the bioreactors market?

The driving factors of the bioreactors market are the development of preventive vaccines, organism cultivation and increasing technological advancements.

What segments are covered in the bioreactors market?

The global bioreactors market is segmented based on product type, cell, molecule, usage, end use.

Which region holds the largest share in the bioreactors market?

North America region holds the largest share of the bioreactors market.

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